Cultural Studies as a Foundation for Teaching Sport Sociology
Joy T Desensi
1(1) 7-13, 2007
Cultural Studies as a Foundation for Teaching Sport Sociology
Joy T Desensi
This article explores the importance of utilizing cultural studies as a useful tool to study and teach sport sociology. Cultural Studies, which is described as interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, and antidisciplinary includes various theoretical discussions including Feminist Epistemologies, History of Education, and Social Theories of Sport, and Issues within Multiculturalism, Ultimately, Cultural Studies offers us a means to understand how issues on power, discrimination, oppression, marginalization operate in sports, Cultural Studies further blends theory, practice, and research into the politics of praxis. In short, it is an extremely effective way to examine the multitude of issues surrounding sport in society.
Key Words
Cultural studies, sport studies, sport sociology, interdisciplinary
Beyond Black and White: Chinese American Women`s Experience in Sports
Yo Mee Lee
1(1) 15-25, 2007
Beyond Black and White: Chinese American Women`s Experience in Sports
Yo Mee Lee
Over the past thirty years, there has been a significant increase in the number of studies on women`s involvement in sports. Despite a recent growth in the scholarship on minority women in sports, scholarship on Asian American women remains extremely limited. The purpose of the study was to give voice to Chinese American women by exploring the cultural meanings implicit within their participation in sports. In-depth interviews were conducted with five Chinese American women. Their sporting experiences are by no means representative, but nonetheless provide a means of introducing specific Asian American perspectives to the important research of gender and sport sociology.
Key Words
Conceptual Similarities between Attitude and Intrinsic Motivation and Their Implications to Sport and Physical Education
Nam Ki Cho
1(1) 27-43, 2007
Conceptual Similarities between Attitude and Intrinsic Motivation and Their Implications to Sport and Physical Education
Nam Ki Cho
This paper examines the conceptual similarities between the psychological concept of attitude and that of intrinsic motivation in sport and physical education research. These concepts share similar conceptual frameworks and components, and are considered to affect learners` achievement in physical education and active participation in sport or physical activity. Similar affective and cognitive components underlie these concepts. The shared components in these concepts are influenced similarly by personal and situation factors. It is suggested that an integrative perspective based on diverse but similar psychological concepts in sport and physical education research be implemented to discover conceptual foundations of human performance and to see what encourages spontaneous, active and consistent participation in sport and physical education.
Key Words
Attitude, intrinsic motivation, physical education, sport
Online Sport Video Gaming Motivations
Yong Jae Kim , Stephen D. Ross , Yong Jae Ko
1(1) 45-64, 2007
Online Sport Video Gaming Motivations
Yong Jae Kim , Stephen D. Ross , Yong Jae Ko
From a uses and gratifications perspective, this study examined what psychological needs among individuals are satisfied through online sport video gaming. The study produced a five dimensional motivational scale that reflects the unique aspects of the online media consumption experience through use of focus group interviews and a confirmatory factor analysis procedure. The motivations discovered included socialization, entertainment, knowledge application, fantasy, and competition. The results indicate that gamers were motivated by interaction among the gamers in the social context of the online gaming, and the need to test their competency regarding sport knowledge in competitive gaming context. Based on these results, managerial implications for sport researchers and organizations are discussed along with opportunities for future research.
Key Words
Online games, sport video games, motivation, uses and gratifications
Practices of Weight Reduction and Its Impact on Physiological and Functional Reponses in Elite Wrestlers
Dae Taek Lee
1(1) 65-74, 2007
Practices of Weight Reduction and Its Impact on Physiological and Functional Reponses in Elite Wrestlers
Dae Taek Lee
Wrestlers often practice weight reduction in short period of time using various undesirable methods including restricting energy and water intakes as well as engaging exercise session in a heated chamber. It is generally acknowledged that rapid weight loss can cause impaired athletic performance and increased injury risks. Scientists investigated the effects of abrupt weight reduction on physical capacity and physiological consequences in weight category athletes, particularly muscular strength and endurance since these muscular functions are essential element for these athletes. Based on the research evidence, dehydration more than 2% of the initial body weight by weight reduction can result in reduction of aerobic performance, When effects of abrupt weight reduction on muscular function has been evaluated, results were variable. This brief review will introduce prevalence of weight reduction methods, consequences of weight reduction and effects of dehydration on muscular functions in elite wrestlers.
Key Words
Anaerbic power, strength, muscular endurance, dehydration, rapid weight loss
Comparative Analysis of Loss of Playing Time Due To Injuries on Two Different Floorings in College Men`s and Women`s Basketball
Kyung Mo Han , Timothy P Mcguire
1(1) 75-82, 2007
Comparative Analysis of Loss of Playing Time Due To Injuries on Two Different Floorings in College Men`s and Women`s Basketball
Kyung Mo Han , Timothy P Mcguire
The etiology of overuse injuries includes extrinsic and intrinsic factors. The correlation between playing surface and incidence of injury and risk exposure has been a debate issue in sports. To compare loss of playing time from participation due to injury between two different floorings, three seasons of injury data in seven college basketball players (4 females and 3 males) who played on both the old and new floorings were investigated in the study. To measure loss of playing time, an injury point (IP) was assigned an injured athlete for each day of absence from participation. The total IPs was divided by the total number of injured athletes each season. The IP data showed that there were 7.50 2.89, 5.00 0.00, and 3.75 2.50 days of practice lost in female players and 64.33 75.41, 1.00 1.73, and 5.67 9.81 days of practice lost in male players for the three seasons (Year 1, Year 2, and Year 3 respectively). Although no significant differences were found for the IP among seasons in male and female players, the data indicated that the incidence of the total number of IPs was reduced after playing on new flooring.
Key Words
Sports injury, extrinsic factor, basketball
Exercise Reverses Diet-Induced Obesity and Obesity-Associated Insulin Resistance through the IKK /NF- B Pathway
Ji Hye Park , Sung Min Kim , Justin Y Jeon , Youn Wook Kim , Hyun Chul Lee , Dong Sheng Cai , Eleftheria Maratos Flier
1(1) 83-97, 2007
Exercise Reverses Diet-Induced Obesity and Obesity-Associated Insulin Resistance through the IKK /NF- B Pathway
Ji Hye Park , Sung Min Kim , Justin Y Jeon , Youn Wook Kim , Hyun Chul Lee , Dong Sheng Cai , Eleftheria Maratos Flier
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of voluntary exercise on obesity-associated insulin resistance in mice. First, mice were fed either high fat diet (HFD) or chow diet for 6 weeks and subsequently divided into either an exercise (EHFD) or a no exercise group (N-HFD) for an additional 13 weeks, Mouse were housed individually and E-HFD group had continuous access to a running wheel. During the 13-week observation period, E-HFD mice gained only 1.8 0.7 g, compared to 6.2 0.4 g for the N-HFD group. Glucose and insulin tolerance tests showed expected impaired glucose tolerance and insulin resistance in N-HFD. These abnormalities were reversed by voluntary exercise. Increases in plasma cholesterol, non-esterified fatty acids and liver triglycerides levels seen in the N-HFD group were also partially reversed by voluntary exercise in the E-HFD group. Similarly, expression and activity of three key transcriptional mediators of the inflammatory cascade, TNF- , IKK and NF- B were increased in white adipose tissue from N-HFD compared to chow-fed controls whereas voluntary exercise decreased TNF- , IKK expression and NF- B activity to levels similar to those seen in chow-fed mice. In conclusion, voluntary exercise leads to weight reduction secondary to increased physical activity. This is in turn associated with deceased adipocyte inflammation and improved insulin sensitivity.